
The nearest golf course near our Masseria is situated 40 km away and it's Coccaro Golf Club at Savelletri.
An unforgettable experience of prospective corners overlooking the sea , the 9 holes are set in a landscape of
almond trees, ancient olive trees , water obstacles and ups and downs .

1 km away from the first there is the 18-hole San Domenico Golf Club, home of the last Final of the Challenge Tour - Par 72 6300 meters , and considered one of the best golf clubs in Italy.

Less than an hour 's drive there are 4 other A 18 -HOLE GOLF COURSES :

The ACAYA GOLF CLUB, nestled in a valley between pine trees and filled with Mediterranean plants mastic - Par 72 6331 meters .

RIVA GOLF CLUB OF TESSALI , the oldest in the South of Italy located in a pine forest just a few steps from the sea - Par 71 5960 meters .

METAPONTO GOLF CLUB , an 18 -hole golf course nestled in the cultivation of oranges and a beautiful view of the Ionian Sea - Par 72 mt. 6284 .

BARIALTO GOLF CLUB , the club of the city of Bari on the tourist route between Mediterranean palms .

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