The refined Japanese travel magazine publishes the long report "Secret Southern Italy". The articleis signed by Mina Ihara and is dedicated to Matera, Calabria and Puglia.Masseria Salinola is proudly told…
moreWith great pleasure we are pleased to share with you this important result that make us very excited.We are proud to have ben awarded 5 star status. Thank you to…
moreKnown as one of the most popular english tabolid The Guardian published on the last 4th July on his TRAVEL section a special article about PUGLIA,talking about the most beautiful…
moreKnown among the most popular english tabolid The Telegraph published on the last 4th July 2016 on his TRAVEL section a special article about Farmhouses in Italy.Talking about the most…
moreThe famous airline Transavia on its book of March and April 2019, "Enjoy!", has dedicated a space to our region Puglia.The journalist therefore suggests a circuit between the excellence of…
Il prestigioso megazine Vanity Fair in collaborazione con Traveller Condé Nast hanno decretato una selezione degli 8 Country House migliori d'Italia.Immersi nei silenzi delle colline umbre, in una Masseria in…
moreRead the full article published on March 19th, 2015 at the following
moreFor the third consecutive year, TripAdvisor, the largest travel website in the world for passengers , attributes Masseria Salinola the Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence 2016.First of all thank to our…
moreEs gibt Paradiese, die warten auf uns! Mit traumhaften Zimmern, wunderbarem Essen, Sonne, dem Charme des Sudens. Wahre Glucksoasen, in denen wir behutet sind, auch wenn wir allein sind.
more20 meravigliose vacanze al mare (Mediterraneo) La Sicilia tra Vendicari e Menfi, il paradiso della Maddalena, una masseria in Puglia o un romantico B&B in Liguria. E poi in canoa…
more"Flour Power", the ancient wheat variety is rediscovered!...Two days later, we visited the Masseria Salinola agriturismo in Ostuni. Daniele, the owner, and more importantly, his mother, Lucia, offered to teach…
moreThe famous airline BRITISH AIRWAYS in his logbook of April 2014, "Highlife" dedicated a space to our marvellous Apulia, hot destination for 2014.The journalist D'Arcy Clark suggests, therefore, the Masserie…
moreThe magazine Lugares, the most important travel magazine of Argentina, dedicated last January 2014 a special 10-page to "Puglia" and particularly to Salento area. In addition to the beautiful images,…
moreWhat's Up is the official blog of Masseria Salinola for our guests and new users designed for who want to have a look, from a privileged point of observation, what's…
moreThe weekly "F" by Cairo Publisher, tells of Masseria Salinola in Ostuni in Apulia, one of the 5 Italian destinations recommended for a Romantic Weekend!Towns, villages and valleys, from Istria…
moreThe monthy magazine "MYSELF", edition September 2013, recommended Masseria Salinola in Ostuni as place where to stay in Ostuni and where to go to buy extra vergin olive oil and…
more"in Viaggio" is one of the most influential magazines of Giorgio Mondadori that tells the most beautiful italian regions.On last July 2013 he decided to publish a focus on the…
more"Villa & Casali" the first magazine Country Living and Luxury Real Estate on June 2013 decided to devote an entire page (116) in an editorial about Masseria Salinola."Journey to the…
moreCon enorme soddisfazione ringraziamo gli Amici della redazione del per aver raccomandato Masseria Salinola ad Ostuni come agriturismo dove dormire in Puglia in occasione della Notte della Taranta che…
moreOstuni , 23 Maggio 2013. Masseria Salinola, in tutta la Sua autenticità e charme, con enorme soddisfazione comunica oggi la ricezione del Certificato di Eccellenza 2013 da parte di TripAdvisor.L'encomio,…
more"Turisti con occhi a mandorla, tutti pazzi per la Città Bianca." Articolo scritto dalla giornalista Sara Macchitella del Quotidiano di Brindisi il 10 Dicembre 2012
moreTHE PRESTIGIOUS "GUIDE DE ROUTARD" ALSO FOR THE 2014 HAS AWARDED MASSERIA SALINOLA selected among the'EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION OF Apulia'. Here the keys to our success: Few rooms, for a demanding…
moreThe german magazine "Land Genuss - Italien" which concept is to portray Italy's regions in term of their culinary traditions and their landscape decided to describe Apulian region through its…
moreIl prestigioso bilmestrale Eventi!Culturali ha deciso di dedicare alle Masserie in Puglia un redazionale di 5 pagine uscito nello scorso mese di Maggio 2012.Eventi Culturali è un bimestrale di arte,…
moreColazione con frutta secca e spremute bio oppure pane casereccio, olio di oliva extravergine e uova del pollaio.Dimenticatevi i muffins. Se volete una vera colazione all’italiana, mediterranea e genuina leggete…
more"Apulian Rustic-Luxe: the magnificence of Ostuni" - articolo scritto il 15 Giugno 2011 da Philippa Malicka, giornalista inviata del quotidiano "The Italian Insider", il primo quotidiano italiano scritto in lingua…
more"I giapponesi conquistano l'oro verde. Promotrice dell'evento Masseria Salinola". Articolo scritto dalla giornalista Sara Macchitella del Quotidiano di Brindisi il 12 nov 2010"Dal Paese del Sol Levante alla terra del…